
First, loving thanks to my wife Lynne, who has tolerated stray fishhooks, bird skins, animal parts, and all the bits of tinsel and feather fluff tracked through the house. A thank you to those friends who mentored, taught, challenged, and coached me in my fascination with the streamers of Carrie Stevens, especially Chris Del Plato and Ted Patlen. I am grateful to the collectors of Carrie Stevens streamers that generously allowed me access to their unnamed, unknown, and unusual specimens: Tom Brown, Chris Del Plato, Selene Frohmberg, Robert L. Jordan, Sr., Leslie Hilyard, Mike Houle, Donald Palmer, Ted Patlen, Roger Plourde, and Dave Talley.  Thanks to Bjørn Gorm Rødli for meticulously reviewing the recipes on this website to remedy errors. A special thanks to those who provided me with outstanding help and encouragement on this project, and have since left this earth for a better fishing spot: Mike Martinek, Jr., Donald Palmer, and Graydon “Bob” Hilyard.