Pattern #5

Pattern #5 by Carrie G. Stevens, one of her earlier streamer fly patterns, dressed by Peter Simonson

Pattern #5, by Carrie Stevens, dressed by Peter Simonson

Pattern Note:  Phase I -This is one of Carrie Stevens' earlier numbered patterns. Tied on light wire long shanked Sproat hook. Perhaps an ancestor of the later Stevens pattern, the Judge. Also appears in Schmookler/Sils Forgotten Flies p536 (Mallory Cullen collection) #169

Reference:  Rangeley Outdoor Heritage Museum collection

 Pattern Recipe

Tag:  Silver Flat

Body:  Orange (Note: Thread under body is red)

Rib:  Silver Flat (Tight, such that 50% of body area is floss, 50% tinsel)

Underbelly:  White bucktail

Wing:  Red Grizzly (2 hackles, Tied on top of shank)

Head:  Black


Pattern #3


Pattern #8